
Job Seekers Must Work at the Interview

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From the Associated Press

Are you a clock-watcher? A self-starter? A team player? An initiator?

These are four “I ams” that should be communicated to a prospective employer, according to a recruiting firm executive.

Mitchell Berger, director of the accounting and tax division of the executive recruiting firm of Howard Sloan Associates Inc., recommends memorizing these four “musts” and then developing a comfortable way of expressing them to a potential employer.

Hiring decisions, he says, are based on a combination of chemistry and face-to-face discussions.


“Too many job-seekers concentrate on their resumes and disregard preparing for the interview,” Berger said. “The resume is a door opener. Keep this in mind, prepare yourself with what to say--and not say--and you will increase your chances of receiving job offers.”

Among the things not to say: “I really need this job” (But why does the company need you?); “This is a good career move for me” (Why is it good for the company?); “I have no questions to ask” (If you’re interested in the job, you should have questions).

The art of interviewing, says Stephen H. Berger, president of Howard Sloan, is one that can be acquired and refined with practice--and it doesn’t end with the interview.


“You should never assume you’ve got the job until an offer is made,” Stephen Berger said. He suggests job hunters complete the interview by:

Communicating enthusiasm as they are departing.

Writing a letter to the interviewer as soon as they get home, thanking him or her for their time, expressing confidence in doing the job and saying they are looking forward to hearing from him or her soon.
