
Gary Hart’s Back in the ’88 Presidential Race

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Hart has been discredited but he and many others believe he would make a good President, and he’s the Democrats only hope. Any candidate they run will be a sacrificial lamb so Hart shows up with his wife on his arm and stands back while the Democratic goons uncover the dirt on the Republican contenders.

1988 will be the dirtiest campaign in recent history. GOP candidates Vice President George Bush and Kansas Sen. Robert Dole will have no secrets. After the Republicans are savaged (equalized) then we, the voters, will be reminded that to err is human and the Democrats are hoping that our divine forgiveness will benefit Hart, not Dole and Bush.

Hey, I want (former United Nations Ambassador) Jeane Kirkpatrick to run. Forget about the big boys. Give me the little woman any day; little women like (Britain’s Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher, and Kirkpatrick. Let the boys play their cynical games.



Los Angeles
