
Unrest Threatens Bethlehem Festivities

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Associated Press

Christmas festivities in Bethlehem, the annual highlight in this hilltop town where Jesus was born, are in danger of being sharply curtailed this year because of Arab-Israeli violence.

Mayor Elias Freij said Sunday that he is under mounting pressure to cancel all non-religious functions surrounding the holiday to protest a wave of violence in Israel’s occupied territories.

Official Christmas functions are scheduled to begin Thursday morning in this town four miles south of Jerusalem. They include an annual reception attended by Israeli officials that symbolizes Jewish-Arab coexistence.


The New Testament gives Bethlehem as the site of Jesus’ birth. Thousands of pilgrims from throughout the world traditionally come here during the Christmas holiday.

“Certain elements want me to cancel many Christmas activities,” the Christian Arab mayor said in a telephone interview. He said that he does not agree with the idea but that continued unrest might nevertheless force a severe curtailment in festivities.

‘Wait and See’

“We’ll have to wait and see what happens over the next few days,” Freij said. “There is no reason to mix politics and Christmas. But we don’t know how bad the situation will get.”


He did not say who was exerting pressure, but Christian youth groups and leaders issued a recent statement urging that Christmas celebrations be limited to prayer services.

“We are calling for Christians this year to pray for peace in the region and not waste time with useless festivities,” said Geris Khoury, a religious studies professor at the Vatican-sponsored Bethlehem University.

Freij said the violence had already seriously affected tourism. During a normal Christmas season, about 50,000 tourists come to Bethlehem, visiting holy sites such as the historic Church of the Nativity on Manger Square.


“We’ve had very few visitors so far this year,” Freij said. “Obviously, the violence is having a serious impact.”

He blamed Israeli authorities. “The troops are shooting at women and children. If they think we are going to accept this with red roses, they are mistaken.”

Business people in Bethlehem said they are deeply concerned over the drop in tourism and the financial losses they might suffer.

“Look at the streets, how empty they are,” said Hader Ali, owner of a restaurant just off Manger Square. “And look at my restaurant, how empty this is, too. I can’t stand it. I’m going off on vacation tomorrow.”

“This town lives for Christmas, financially,” said Socrates Canavati, owner of a gift shop in town.

Large Police Presence

Bethlehem appeared quiet and empty Sunday. Only a few tourists strolled through deserted, rainy streets. A large presence of Israeli military police was already in evidence.


“My children think I’m crazy to be here,” said Fran Stevenson, a retired telephone operator from Salt Lake City, as she gazed at a large Christmas tree in the square. “But we’ve come to enjoy Christmas, and we’re going to have a great time.”

“We’ll be brave,” said her husband, Stanley, a retired police officer. “But if we hear any gunshots out in the square Christmas Eve, you can bet we’ll get out of here fast.”

The couple said they got their first taste of West Bank unrest Saturday, when they were caught in a cloud of tear gas as they walked near Arab East Jerusalem during some of the worst rioting the city had seen in 20 years of occupation.

There has been little violence in Bethlehem itself since Oct. 29, when the army closed the university for three months after a violent protest in which a student was killed by Israeli gunfire.

Israeli tourism officials denied that foreigners are canceling trips to Israel and said they expected an increase of 25% over the 50,000 visitors who came to Bethlehem in each of the last two seasons.

But Nina Kerner, a reservations clerk at the Jerusalem Hilton, said that 10 to 15 bookings had been canceled in the previous three days.
