
Belated Beckmesser

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I enjoyed “The Beckmesser Awards of 1987” (Dec. 27), but I think Martin Bernheimer left out an event, different aspects of which could fit in both the “Cheers” and the “Jeers” category.

On the “Cheers” side: In November Andre Previn led the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Master Chorale in a remarkable benefit performance of Prokofiev’s score for Sergei Eisenstein’s film, “Alexander Nevsky,” synchronized to a new print of the movie.

The music was beautifully played and sung, but perhaps only people in the film business truly appreciated how remarkable the performance really was. Without the usual accouterments of the trade--click tracks and earphones, etc.--Previn essentially scored a movie in one take. It was something that probably only a conductor with his particular background could have pulled off.


On the “Jeers” side: Guess who was left off the invitation list for the gala champagne reception following the performance? Right, Andre Previn.


Sherman Oaks
