
Martinez Column on CIGNA

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I read with interest the Nov. 30 column of Al Martinez about his experiences with CIGNA. I very strongly disagree with him.

My family have been members of CIGNA for many years. We have almost always found their employees most helpful and courteous. On the rare occasions when the person responding to our phone call with a request for information has been rude, or expressed ignorance of the subject of our inquiry, we followed the procedure of asking for their name and to speak to their supervisor. This way, we were able to get the full information we were seeking. At the same time, we were assured that the unknowledgeable or incompetent person received censure or proper training, so they would not repeat their mistake.

I am at a complete loss to understand why Mr. Martinez did not do this. Perhaps his way made better copy for an article?


Another attempt on Mr. Martinez’s part to obtain his information from another source, the Employee Benefit organization, seems to have been equally fruitless. Could it then be that Mr. Martinez simply has difficulty in communicating?

Perhaps it would make a fitting footnote to mention the fact that I tried to call Mr. Martinez to discuss this matter with him. As he was busy, I was promised a return call at the earliest opportunity. I am still waiting.


North Hollywood
