
The State : Nursing Home License Lifted

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The state Department of Heath Services will revoke the license of a 73-bed nursing home in Los Gatos on Feb. 15 for maintaining unhealthy and unsafe conditions, Health Director Kenneth Kizer said. “Today’s action reinforces that nursing home operators doing business in California must meet our high standards of patient care,” Kizer said. Meadows Nursing Center was issued 13 citations in December for multiple health code violations, Kizer said, amounting to $123,500 in fines. Seven of the citations were for life-threatening conditions and two were for falsification of patient records, Kizer said. The operator of the facility, Beverly Enterprises Inc., has agreed to sell the facility to another owner and pay the fines. Beverly also agreed to conduct an employee education program on the importance of patient care at each of its licensed facilities in the state.
