
Deteriorating Southland Beaches and the Victims of the Storm

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Great storms do churn our ocean and reveal its contents. Our recent storm was something of a prime example. Living at the beach in Venice, I am something of a fixture on the sand. Each day I walk or bicycle through this environment and simply wonder how good life can be. But then I cast a gaze upon a revolting sight . . . plastic! That’s what’s out there in our ocean . . . plastic! The stream of Styrofoam cups, plates, containers, etc. were strewn across the entire length of sand. White lines ran to the horizon, white plastic lines--it does not destruct, it just lies there waiting to be picked up . . . more waste, more money!

So the truth is, we reap a heap of our own waste when big storms blow into town. Is this not a message to someone out there? The question is, are the politicos listening? I do wish someone would explain to me why we can’t ban plastic cups, plates, etc. Consumers can certainly petition for a ban.


