


The La Jolla Stage Company will be the first in a series of San Diego theaters to set aside one night of its performance schedule to offer a signed theater performance for the deaf on Saturday. That showing of Noel Coward’s “Private Lives,” which runs Feb. 12-28 at La Jolla’s Parker Auditorium, marks the inauguration of a program funded by the San Diego Theatre Foundation--through the California Arts Council and COMBO--to meet the needs of the 133,000 hearing impaired people in San Diego County.

So far the only other theater to commit to a specific signed night for the deaf is the San Diego Repertory Theatre, which will offer a signed performance of “Six Women with Brain Death or Expiring Minds Want To Know” on Feb. 25 at the Lyceum Space in Horton Plaza.

Curiously, despite the Feb. 25 date, “Six Women With Brain Death,” which opened Oct. 28, has only had its fifth extension officially approved, through Feb. 21--a conundrum that is enough to make anyone’s mind expire. Ah, well, the hit show is so used to extending itself, maybe it’s gone on automatic pilot. What is certain is that Feb. 17, the night of its 100th performance, has been declared “Six Women With Brain Death or Expiring Minds Want to Know Day” by Mayor Maureen O’Connor.
