


There are certain four- and 14-letter words that a politician won’t speak--such as “overhabitation.”

We breathe smog, our water is polluted, we’re running out of room for our wastes, our global climate is altered by our fuel vapors and we are destroying our oxygen-giving trees and our protective ozone layer. Millions of people are jammed and stacked in highway or air traffic, millions more are suffering sociopathic breakdowns from crowding and billions of people exist and die with a minus quality of life. Overhabitation is desecrating our civilization and our planet’s life support system and nobody seems to want to notice.

A 14-year-old could live to see our population double--twice. Five billion to 10 billion to 20 billion before he/she is 94. Impossible. Mad. There is no issue--nothing--more vital to human and planetary survival than overhabitation. Too much apple pie and motherhood is making us sick. We need to come in out of the acid rain and reason.


Growth control begins at home. Childlessness is a wise choice, one child is OK, more than two are immoral--a crime against humanity.


