
An Arch to Honor Immigrants


I am absolutely incensed at the gall of Mayor Bradley and his “ . . . array of civic leaders . . . “ who have taken it upon themselves to declare Los Angeles as the home to immigrants with the plan to erect the West Coast Gateway in the heart of our fair city.

This is a gross display of flexing bureaucratic muscles to capture headlines and falsely presumes the pretext of speaking for their constituents.

If anything, this monument should be erected in the honor of Los Angeles natives and long-time residents who have quietly sat by and witnessed our parks, golf courses, schools, residential neighborhoods, and businesses being taken over by these immigrants the mayor and his cronies now wish to memorialize.


I believe this is one issue on which our mayor and local politicians would sound out the true feelings of their constituents before launching this project.

The only thing they have going for them is the claim that all this will be done via private funds. I truly doubt this will happen, and I for one will loudly protest should one nickel of my tax dollars be used for such an endeavor.

It seems to me the general population is entitled to vote on a project such as this.


