
Seer Turns Her Powers on Wall Street--but Still Has Time for the Enquirer : Future Is Clear to Psychic Robbins, and She’ll Gladly Tell It--for a Fee

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Associated Press

Shawn Robbins, psychic, author and mail-order entrepreneur, has turned her big hazel eyes toward Wall Street since the stock market has become so volatile.

A shaky market is good for people in her line of work, she says.

“For psychics,” she says, “the market is boring when it’s good, but now is the chance to really shine with psychic abilities. This is a good time to go to a ‘reputable psychic.’

“Be careful, though. This is not the time to go to Madame Ripoff on the corner with your portfolio. She will tell you that if you give her $25 she will light the candle that will intercede on behalf of your stocks.”


The 42-year-old, auburn-haired Robbins claims she’s making money for small investors who are willing to follow her advice and do some in-and-out trading.

Personally, she says she’s doing all right, too. She says she’s made $5,000 with $40,000 of her own money since Meltdown Monday, when the market dropped more than 500 points. Like a poor man’s Donald Trump, Robbins says that she got out of the market just before Oct. 19 and that she pulled everything out again before Jan. 8, the day the Dow Jones tumbled 140 points.

Likes Paper, Drug Stocks

Specifically, she says paper and drug stocks will continue to make a comeback, that the retail clothing industry will continue to suffer losses and that Florida real estate prices are bound to start shooting up.


“After three months of volatility, I see a short recession and then an inflationary period with interest rates going up,” she says. “It will take close to two years for the market to reach the pre-Oct. 19 highs.”

Robbins doesn’t even own a crystal ball or a cat--not since Kisser died at age 15. She says trappings like tea leaves and seance tables are sure signs of hocus-pocus.

Her clients are mostly referrals, and she screens all calls on her answering machine, listening for signs of mental instability.


She sees anywhere from five to 10 clients a week for half an hour private consultations at $60 a visit. She says that’s about all her psychic energy can handle.

“I’m a discount psychic,” she says. “There are psychics who charge $100 to $200 a session.”

Robbins also publishes a profitable mail-order astrology newsletter.

Although she says she gets information through dreams and dream-like visions, she says most of what she does--up to 90%--amounts to good old-fashioned logic.

“Successful businessmen are very psychic,” she says. “They know what’s going to happen before it does, and that’s how they make their business decisions.

“I have a photographic memory and I’m a speed reader, so I’m very informed,” adds Robbins, a high school dropout who grew up in Queens. “I read four or five newspapers a day, magazines and all the non-fiction I can fit in.”

In her 1980 autobiography, “Ahead of Myself,” Robbins discusses her psychic gifts as a child and the pain they sometimes caused, such as knowing about the surprise birthday party her mother was planning, or the fact that her best friend’s crush on a high school boy was ill-founded.


Her mother and grandmother also had psychic abilities, she says, so the family supported her when she decided to become a professional psychic 15 years ago.

Played in Rock Band

Robbins’ career has included a stint as an electric bass player in a rock band and working as a trend predictor and in-house psychic for a cosmetics company. She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows, and every year the National Enquirer taps her as one of the nation’s top 10 psychics to forecast the year ahead.

In 1988, she says, Malcolm Forbes will wed Elizabeth Taylor; Fawn Hall, Donna Rice and Jessica Hahn will team up for a “bimbo squad” TV series based somewhat on “Charlie’s Angels,” and the Soviet Union will wage psychic warfare on a Northern California town, felling the citizenry with nausea, fainting spells and weakness.

Police departments and the FBI have sought Robbins’ services, and she claims to have predicted the crash of two Boeing 747s in the Canary Islands, the crash of a DC-10 taking off from Chicago and the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.

Most of the predictions were made on radio shows, but the prediction about the Pope was in her 1980 book. Although some of the details were off-base, others were right on target.

She saw the Pope speaking to a giant throng in Asia. “During his sermon a man in the crowd, suffering from mental disorders, leaps up and begins firing a pistol at the Pope. Fortunately, the Pope will escape harm, although others in the crowd will be injured. This event will not deter the Pope from his travels.”


For the score card, he was in Rome, not Asia, and he was injured. But she was correct that the attempt did not deter the Pope from his travels.

Some of Robbins’ predictions were logical, such as the famine in Africa and the strife in Lebanon.

Others are clear misses, like the prediction that a Yeti or Bigfoot would be captured in the Himalayas within a few years (the book, remember, is now eight years old); definite proof of UFOs, also a zip, and the fact that Indira Gandhi would flee India as revolutionary groups sought to overthrow her. Gandhi was, of course, assassinated.

How does Robbins explain such misses? Let’s take Bigfoot.

“An undercover agent for the Preservation of Monsters tipped off Bigfoot and he’s been hiding,” jokes Robbins. “That is what I do when people ask me to explain my misses. I joke. You have to have a sense of humor and go with the punches, but the truth is this psychic phenomenon is anything but an exact science. I’m simply wrong sometimes.”
