
Violence in the Mideast


When I read The Times report (Part I, Feb. 20) on the psychological trauma Israeli troops undergo when they beat Palestinian civilians, I wondered if it were The Times I was reading or “Alice in Wonderland.” I truly felt as if I were Alice when I read the caption under a photo of Israeli soldiers beating elderly Palestinian women that stated using such violence leaves emotional scars on soldiers.

We Americans have always upheld human rights and abhorred the use of violence. But the article seems to be saying that if it’s Israeli troops who use brute force on Palestinian civilians, it’s a different standard than in all other cases the world over.

This double standard offends me. No doubt if the photo had shown Palestinians beating Jewish women with batons, the U.S. Marines would have landed on the West Bank within hours.


Every Jew throughout the world should be decrying the cruel, inhumane actions of the Israeli government.


Los Angeles
