


In response to the letters on the four indicted in the Iran-Contra scandal (March 26):

Those who support the four indicted, i.e., North, Air Force Maj. Richard Secord, Rear Adm. John Poindexter, and businessman Albert Hakim, reflect the diminishing moral integrity so prevalent in the United States today.

It makes me ashamed to think that the principles our forefathers fought for so valiantly are spit upon by these morally bankrupt citizens. The present Administration cleverly plays upon the brainwashed “Commie” paranoia. If this type of reasoning persists, our hard-won civil government, which is our real freedom, will come crashing down, not at the hands of the “Commies,” but by our own folly.

President Nixon, our best foreign policy President ever, was forced out of office for far less illegalities than the Reagan Administration indulges in consistently. Reagan’s insolence and arrogance should be rewarded with impeachment. Vice President George Bush should be renounced long before he is given the opportunity to carry on Reagan’s anarchy.



San Diego
