
Nabisco Boycott Urged


I read with great disappointment the April 6 story regarding the firing of the advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi DFS, by RJR Nabisco over “philosophical differences” related to the ad firm’s Northwest Airlines campaign. This campaign was neither related to nor detrimental to Nabisco products.

I always have viewed the diversification of tobacco companies into other businesses as reasonable and necessary for their survival against the day when tobacco revenue would decrease or cease. Though I am a lifelong nonsmoker, I have felt no personal reservations about buying non-tobacco products from such companies. But I am forced to conclude that if RJR finds support of smoking is required to do business with its Nabisco division, then I, as a consumer and nonsmoker, should feel the same way.

My family and I have been consumers of such Nabisco products as Chips Ahoy!, Oreos, Ritz Crackers and Shredded Wheat for years. But as RJR has pointed out so forcefully, support of Nabisco products is support for smoking. Following RJR’s example, I must avoid doing business with companies with which I have “philosophical differences.” I am therefore going to boycott Nabisco products. I urge others who feel the same way to boycott RJR Nabisco products too.



Del Mar
