
Business of the ACLU


In “The Littlest Defector Grows Up” (by Wendy Leopold, April 3), Walter Polovchak is quoted, referring to the American Civil Liberties Union, “I think they kind of goofed up . . . but when you’re trying to make money, that’s how it goes.”

Naturally, Polovchak is free to characterize the ACLU any way he chooses. When he came to America, he inherited that right.

However, his reasoning is all wrong. The American Civil Liberties Union is not in business to make money. It never has been. It never will be.


The ACLU is “in business” to defend not people, but principles.

We have only one client--the Bill of Rights. And we are there to defend it for anyone, anywhere, any time.


Executive Director

ACLU of Southern California
