
‘Adoptions in Los Angeles County May Be on the Verge of Crisis’

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The Times had an article “Adoptions in L.A. County May Be on the Verge of Crisis” by Lois Timnick (Metro, April 18) about the crisis in public adoptions in Los Angeles County. It was stimulated by a series of letters written by the Adoption Action Committee, an informal group of about 25 adoptive parents, of which I am a member. We wrote to the governor, members of legislative budget committees and county supervisors--everyone anyone could suggest.

One of the most distressing outcomes is the lack of response. We have received one early response to our Feb. 23 letter from Supervisor Pete Schabarum, saying that they will look into the matter and get back to us. That’s it!

The lack of attention, statewide, to this group of children trapped in chaos is truly disturbing, as well as the lack of service to adoptive clients here in Los Angeles.


I want to thank you for an honest look at a difficult reality. We are committed to helping to facilitate a fair, safe and equitable solution for children, applicants and workers.


Los Angeles
