
Local News in Brief : Plans to Be Re-Evaluated

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The Palos Verdes Estates City Council on Tuesday ordered its staff to re-examine the possible environmental impact of doubling the size of a commercial building in the Lunada Bay shopping area after neighbors expressed concerns that the project might create parking, drainage, noise and privacy problems.

The staff report will be presented at the June 14 council meeting and could result in the addition of conditions to be met by building owner Chris Caras in exchange for a building permit.

The building houses several retail shops. Caras told the council he has not decided how to use the proposed 5,000-square-foot addition.


Caras said residents are blaming the neighborhood’s problems on his development. “My project can’t solve the problems that are existent in that area,” he said.

Area residents, who packed council chambers, seemed most concerned that poor drainage in the area might be compounded.

“The hydraulics you report showed very little runoff would result from the development of this site, and the drainage system of the proposed development is more than adequate in my opinion,” said Gary Wynn, city building official.
