
CAMPAIGN ’88 : Jackson Joins Wave Fad


Curiously enough, members of the press corps traveling with Jackson have seen his sense of humor brighten even as his prospects for winning the Democratic nomination fade.

Aboard his campaign plane the other day, Jackson sported this lapel button, a gift from two television producers: “Currently Seeking a Country to Rule.”

He also joins the journalists’ current silly fad of mimicking the way famous people wave. Jackson daintily wiggled a stiff arm at the reporters and TV crews who had gathered at Watts’ Nickerson Gardens housing project the other night, bringing forth an explosion of laughter from the reporters who responded in kind.


“That’s the way Mrs. Reagan does it,” Jackson explained to the mystified Nickerson residents.

Diplomatically avoiding favoritism, Jackson the next evening bid the reporters good night with the Raisa Gorbachev wave, which--as everyone in the traveling press corps knows--is a stern shake of the index finger.
