
Letter Told Nancy Reagan of ‘Indignities’


This is the text of a two-page, handwritten letter from Imelda Marcos to First Lady Nancy Reagan:

Honolulu, Hawaii

Sept. 11, 1986


Dearest Nancy,

I take this opportunity to send you this letter as thanks for the hospitality that you have extended to us the Marcoses. Please convey to Pres. Reagan our utmost gratitude for the courtesies that have been benevolently extended to us.

But today I am met with a personal problem, almost simultaneously with the visit of Madame Cory Aquino to the U.S. Pres. Marcos and I are being subpoenaed for a “deposition” in a racketeering case (Rico Case) in California.

To date already they have filed 20 cases against the Marcoses of which as of now we have won 12 cases. All of these were fabricated to frame us up. Our children and all our 4 grandchildren (whose ages range from only 1 to 3 years old) have not been spared.

Since it may coincide with the US govt’s honoring Mrs. Aquino, the publicity will accelerate further the indignities we have already suffered.

I understand that a “suggestion” from the “White House” or the “State Dept.” could prevent these indignities to an ally and friend.

I can do nothing but to appeal to you my dearest friend, because apparently the “State Dept” may not be willing to act at all on our repeated request on this matter. As it is, the “deposition” for Pres. Marcos is already a humiliating and painful experience for any human being. I don’t think I have enough strength left to bear up with all these. Therefore I ask your invaluable help to prevent a “deposition” on me. And with a clear concience (sic) I am optimistic of justice and your understanding.


My prayers for the health of Pres. Reagan and your good self. May you both succeed in all your endeavors for the peace of the ‘Free World’ including the elimination of communism in the Phil. And with the enlightened leadership of Pres. Reagan and you, the United States of America will lead human kind to fullfilment (sic) and peace!

Much, much love

