
Jackson, Dukakis and the Democrats


A thank you to the Rev. Jesse Jackson for his contribution to our electoral process. His down-to-earth and steadying influence throughout the primaries was felt and appreciated. No, I didn’t vote for him. I am not a member of his party, nor do I feel that he is qualified, but I do hope that he continues to lend his talents to our country in some capacity.

I most fervently hope that Vice President George Bush and Gov. Michael Dukakis will be allowed to campaign with the same decency shown by Jackson. They are both decent men and surely the differences in their philosophical approach to governing should be enough grounds for a lively debate.

I deplore those who accuse these men of being boring. I don’t believe a politician’s job is to amuse the public, nor do I knowingly vote for a buffoon.



Huntington Beach
