
‘Birth Control as Penalty’


The column raises some interesting points. Judge Budzyn sentenced Debra Ann Forster to stay on birth control for the rest of her childbearing life. Now Dershowitz is right in the idea that every “ist” will be offended by the severity of Forster’s sentence; they always are, aren’t they? No matter the victim, no matter the crime, the “ists” will always scream for the rights of the culprit. They identify, because of a faulty self-image, with the social-deficient person now facing justice.

As to “reproductive rights”: No one has any such right. We are given a privilege by our maker that is too often abused. When that privilege is abused as Forster abused it, the sentence was minimal. An intelligent, caring society (one that really cared for its young) would sterilize her, and possibly restrain some of the idiot “isms” such as our Asinine Criminal Liberties Union-ism, along with other naughty children-types who never can accept justified forms of discipline.

Dershowitz finds Judge Budzyn’s sentence “offensive.” I find offensive the professor’s hope that Debra Ann may someday “grow up” to become a suitable mother-candidate. But then we mustn’t expect too much from the ivied halls of Harvard Law School, its professors or students. Look at the products; that’s where some our “idiot isms” have come from.



Granada Hills
