
Carl Rowan

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The story of the Carl Rowan shooting in Washington D.C. is not one about politics. Nor is it one of Rowan’s personal integrity. It is, however, a classic example of stupidity.

Rowan said that he was concerned for the safety of his wife, who was obviously so terrified that she slept through the whole ordeal. He called the police, who arrived in a mere 10 minutes, then went out the back door to let them in. Why didn’t he let them in the front door? That way the police could handle the situation, like they are trained to do, and Rowan would never have had to leave the safety of the house.

By Rowan’s own account, “I fired a warning shot down towards his feet but apparently hit his left wrist.” This would indicate that Rowan is not a very good shot. No one picks up a chain saw without first learning how to operate it. Likewise, you don’t drive a car without passing a driving test. Why don’t people pay at least the same respect to firearms?


I am a gun owner. I know and practice all safety rules and all my firearms are legally registered. I don’t keep a loaded weapon in the house, however, because I don’t believe that my personal safety is dependent on it. My life has been in jeopardy on more than one occasion because of the incorrect use of guns, but I have also had some close calls while driving. I’m not in favor of outlawing guns or cars but I do think there should be stiffer penalties for the misuse of both.


