
‘Fire Officials Shun’ Fireworks Briefing


There are no “safe and sane” fireworks. That phrase is simply pleasant-sounding rhetoric used to sell a dangerous product.

That is why I was so pleased to read the article “Fire Officials Shun Briefing on Fireworks” (June 28) and learn that the Orange County Fire Chiefs Assn. did not fall for the manufacturers’ ploy to have the group appear at a public relations conference, which could only have been seen as an endorsement of the merchandise.

With just a handful of Orange County cities allowing fireworks to be sold legally (mostly as “fund-raisers” at stands operated by nonprofit groups), I recommend that the holdout cities change their statutes so that only community-sponsored fireworks shows, put on by professionals, can be displayed.


I also suggest that the nonprofit groups, which may honestly attempt to restrict sales to adults and older teen customers, find other, safer ways to raise money for their organizations.

And to the fireworks manufacturers, I can only say that the handwriting is on the wall--with a diminishing market for their goods, they need to find another line of business.

By cooperation among cities, sellers, manufacturers and consumers we can literally stop letting our children play with fire; and we will all be able to celebrate a true sane, and safe, Independence Day.


Seal Beach
