
Categorizing GOP and Democrats


According to the article “Persistent Gender Gap Stalks Bush Campaign” (Part I, July 3), Vice President George Bush and his conservative Republican advocates apparently believe women are interested only in issues such as education, drugs, child care, and world peace. Oh--don’t forget the economy. “Economic protection against adversity” is imperative; womenfolk want themselves and their families to be provided for, of course. After all, an upstanding, Christian female should only concern herself with subjects which pertain to her children and her home.

Instead of bewildering themselves, women should leave the consideration of matters such as the defense scandal, U.S.-Soviet relations, and the Palestinian uprising to men, who are infinitely more capable and clear-headed than members of the “weaker sex.” Bush and his supporters certainly seem to think so. Perhaps it would uncomplicate the whole, silly “women thing” if the government would simply repeal the 19th Amendment, thereby permitting only males, of which Caucasians are the majority, to vote.

In such a situation, Bush could retain most of his support while both nullifying a large segment of Dukakis’ backing and relegating females to their place--barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. There women could tend more easily to the concerns conservatives think they should have while freeing men to run the government without interference from the “fair sex.”



Huntington Beach
