
Costa Mesa PD, Ezell Differ on Aliens in Park


I have to give credit to Costa Mesa’s police chief for not considering raids on the illegal aliens at the city park. Also for going along with the City Council to study a solution to the illegal situation. Harold Ezell, the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s Western regional chief, doesn’t see it that way in harassing illegal aliens, or citizens (Latino). Ezell does not have qualifications for his position. He never worked with the Immigration and Naturalization Service Border Patrol, or in law enforcement. I’m sure that the Immigration and Naturalization Service has better-qualified personnel than Ezell. So what is transpiring is that Ezell creates problems instead of solves them.

With the illegal alien problems sometimes blown out of proportion, the citizens better realize that this migration can be repressed but not eliminated.

One reason is the U.S. government. At the start of World War II the government incarcerated all of the Japanese people in Southern California. In pre-World War II time most field workers were Japanese. The U.S. asked Mexico for help, which brought in the Mexican workers. After the war the growers requested that the Mexicans remain. So, Mr. Ezell, maybe you can be a little compassionate when you harass all kinds of aliens--not only Mexican.



Santa Ana
