
Curator Hired in Fullerton


Lynn LaBate, assistant education coordinator at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, has been hired as the new Fullerton Museum Center’s first curator, effective Aug. 15.

The center, which opened four months ago, will present exhibitions in three areas: cultural arts, history, and science.

LaBate, a Fullerton resident, has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of Arizona at Tucson and a master’s in art from Cal State Fullerton. With her combined interest in art and Latin culture, she said, she is particularly interested in ways of adding a multicultural focus to the exhibition program.


But, she stressed Thursday, she has no agenda for the center and first intends to “get to know the board, the city and the people I will be working with.”

“To be in on this ground level is really exciting,” she said. “Another exciting aspect is making a contribution to my own community.”

LaBate started with the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery as an intern in 1986 and assumed her current position in March of 1987. Her salary in Fullerton is being negotiated.
