
Redondo Has ‘Moral Right’ to Rebuild Pier


Monday night at the Redondo Beach City Council meeting on pier reconstruction, I couldn’t believe my ears. There was a group of people who were actually glad to have seen the pier burn down.

They all had concerns (about) their safety from gangs, traffic and litter. All these reasons are noteworthy, but (they are) no reason why the city can’t rebuild this historic landmark.

It should be noted that Redondo Beach has one of the best police gang units in Southern California. (It has) taught other cities how to deal with gangs and related problems. I believe (the police) have control and have moved that element out of the pier area.


I believe the city of Redondo Beach has a legal and moral right to rebuild the pier.

(It was suggested) that the issue be put to the voters. I think that after the lease is gone through, the question will be answered, and we, through council agreement, will be able to reconstruct the pier.

Fund raising is just starting. I am very confident that this will pay off. There is a lot of support for the pier in Redondo Beach as well as in the state and the nation. Redondo Beach is known worldwide. I would hope that people from other communities would write the city of Redondo Beach and give (it) their support.


Redondo Beach
