


Photographs of 12 suspected bank robbers, taken by bank surveillance cameras, were released Tuesday by the Los Angeles Police Department, along with a list of colorful nicknames. After the LAPD similarly distributed photographs of 12 bank robbery suspects last year, five were recognized and eventually arrested. Police already have a jump on their “Most Wanted” list this year, having arrested a suspect in the “Ponytail Bandit” robberies in Beverly Hills last Friday. But “Jim Bowie,” “Wig Bandit” and nine others are still being sought.

There have been 233 bank robberies in Los Angeles so far this year, a 3% increase over the first seven months of 1987, Detective William Stewart said. The robbers have taken an average of $1,800 and arrests have been made in 70% of the cases, he said.

Crime area: Northeast Division

Description: 5’7” or 5’8”; 170-180 lbs.

Crime area: Marina del Rey

Description: 5’9” or 5’10”; 140-150 lbs; late 30s.

‘Chevy Chase Bandit’

Crime area: Venice / West Los Angeles

Description: 5’7” or 5’8”; 160-170 lbs; early 40s.

Crime area: Van Nuys

Description: 6’; 185 lbs; 35-40 years old.

‘Wig Bandit’

Crime area: West Los Angeles

Description: 5’11”; 150 lbs.; 30-32 years old.

Crime area: Downtown

Description: 5’8”; 145 lbs; 30 years old.

‘Jim Bowie’

Crime area: Wilishire / West Los Angeles

Description: 5’7”-5’9”; 160 lbs; 25-30 years old.

‘Ponytail Bandit’

Crime area: Beverly Hills (Suspect Gregory Weiss arrested July 29.)

‘Pretty Boy’

Description: 5’10”-6’; 160 lbs; 19-25 years old.

Crime area: Wilshire / Central Los Angeles

Description: 5’9”-6’; 200 lbs; 32 years old.

‘Sleeveless Bandit’

Crime area: West San Fernando Valley

Description: 5’8”-6’; 160 lbs; 25-32 years old.

‘Northeast Ponytail’

Crime area: Northeast Los Angeles

Description: 6’; 150-160 lbs; 25 years old.

Source: Los Angeles Police Department
