
Lawn-Burning in Westminster


I cannot begin to express my outrage as a result of reading about the Ku Klux Klan-style lawn-burning in Westminster. Perhaps the most distressing aspect of this unfortunate and ugly event is the statistical report that there has “been at least one cross-burning a year . . . since 1980.”

That statement brought back the memory of a 1985 “60 Minutes” TV interview of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. When asked how she would sum up the Reagan Era, she said, “This Administration has allowed us to become more comfortable in our prejudices.”

After eight years of utter disregard for civil rights enforcement and the re-emergence of KKK-style activities, I must agree with Tom Heisser when he states that “things are going back the other way.” And it wouldn’t surprise me one bit to find out that Thomas Metzger, a KKK leader, and his style of “business” find this era very comfortable, indeed.


Events such as this make me ashamed to be a member of the human race. Can our memories of the fight for civil rights be that foggy? I, for one, would like to express my deep sorrow to the Heisser family. Hate crimes no matter how they are disguised should never be allowed to occur.

We need an Administration--county, state and federal--that will enforce and prosecute such behavior. We need a change. The struggle is not over.


