
South Gate : Attorney Gets 4% Pay Raise


By a split vote, the South Gate City Council has agreed to give City Atty. Bruce M. Boogaard a 4% salary increase from $40 per hour to $41.60 hourly.

The council voted 3 to 2 Monday for the salary boost. Councilman Robert A. Philipp and Councilwoman Dorothea Lombardo cast the no votes.

Lombardo said she was not against Boogaard receiving a raise but believed it was “poor timing” for the city attorney to ask for the increase as the council sought to tax residents to raise additional funds for the Police Department.


Boogaard, who has been city attorney for six years, had requested the $1.60 hourly increase, which he said was “consistent with the increase awarded this year to all other department heads and employees of the city.”

Assuming Boogaard works a 40-hour week at the new pay rate, he will receive $86,528 annually.
