
The Laser Bin

<i> Compiled by Terry Atkinson</i>

Video disc reviews “Frankenstein: The Restored Version” (MCA, 71 minutes, black and white, two sides, one full-feature CAV, one extended-play CLV, $34.98).

This is the complete 1931 Universal film as directed by James Whale, with scenes censored over the years restored in their entirety. Seeing the original without interruption in pristine black-and-white reveals the depth and sensitivity of Boris Karloff’s extraordinary performance as the Monster (he received third billing after Colin Clive and Mae Clark). This laser-disc production offers five restored scenes, including Fritz tormenting the Monster in the dungeon and the controversial flower scene by the lake, where the Monster meets and accidentally murders a child. Side Two in the full-feature CAV mode enables the viewer to see the original theatrical trailer, a collection of Frankenstein photographs and seven scenes replayed for frame-by-frame study. The exceptional clarity of the image provided by the laser disc dramatically shows how beautifully crisp these early black-and-white films were.
