
Media Coverage of Dan Quayle


In his letter (Aug. 27), Evelle J. Younger castigated the press for doing its job of informing us about a little-known senator from Indiana who might possibly become the next vice president of the United States. “More and more,” Younger concluded plaintively, “I wonder why anyone runs for public office.”

The answer is simple. People run for public office for power, perquisites and, at the end of the line, pensions--those lovely pensions, far more lucrative than the pittances provided for the average toiler in the private sector. As a prime reaper of such benefits, Younger should be more cautious about what he wonders in print.

The habits of those who feed at the public trough are--and should be--subject to public scrutiny. As far as I know, no free government has ever been undermined by a free press.



Los Angeles
