
Montebello : Eminent Domain Issue Held

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After nearly three hours of testimony, the Montebello Planning Commission has postponed action on a plan to give the city’s Redevelopment Agency the power of eminent domain in two areas of south Montebello.

Commissioner Edward C. Vasquez, who motioned for the postponement, said he wanted to give members of a community group more time to review an environmental impact report on the proposal. He also said he needed more time to consider Monday night’s testimony.

Members of South Montebello Area Residents Together said the power of eminent domain would bring into the area more industry, and with it, more air pollution, traffic and noise. They contend that the city has not planned properly to protect them from the effects of increased development.


The environmental impact report says the eminent domain proposal will have no significant effect on south Montebello.

City officials say the Redevelopment Agency needs eminent domain power to be able to assemble parcels for new developments, which would bring additional tax revenue to the city. Under the proposal, owner-occupied residences would be exempt from eminent domain.

The commission will consider the proposal at its Oct. 17 meeting and make a recommendation to the City Council, which is to decide the redevelopment proposal in several weeks.
