
Reassessments of ‘The Lost-Out Generation’

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I hope I stop crying into my designer towel long enough to respond to your article on the misnamed Lost-Out Generation . . . in actuality The Gimme Generation.

I was born in 1947, attended private schools, have a graduate degree. Suffice it to say I had all the same expectations of the generation.

I married a man in 1973 who earned an average income and was burdened with onerous child-support payments. Together we have managed to parlay what we had then--that is, nothing--into a lovely four-bedroom home on a lovely street valued at more than $300,000. We have a nice investment portfolio, our child earns straight A’s in a parochial school and I work only part-time.


No one gave us anything. We lived in a tiny mobile home in a run-down section of town, an area “not for us” to quote your article. We drove junkers. We did not have a new television; in fact my husband repaired TVs on the side to supplement his salary. After two years we sold the mobile home and bought a house, a dump my in-laws called it, and fixed and painted. It too was in an area “not for us.” We still drove cars that were not for us, wore clothes that were not for us and rarely lived the life style we felt we deserved.

Because we managed to defer our gratification and build equity, we have been able to make some very fortuitous moves. I think you would do well to feature the stories of people who have worked and saved and eaten hamburger to get what they’ve gotten. There are a lot of us out here.


