
U.N. Assembly Condemns Israel

Associated Press

The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly condemned Israel on Thursday for allegedly violating the human rights of Palestinians in the occupied territories.

The vote was 130-2, with 16 abstentions.

The United States and Israel voted against the resolution while Britain and Canada abstained.

The Palestine Liberation Organization opened the debate Thursday by accusing Israel of murdering 411 Palestinian civilians since an anti-Israeli insurrection began in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip 11 months ago.


Every year, the assembly, by a lopsided vote, condemns Israeli human rights practices in the occupied lands, captured from Arab foes in the 1967 Middle East War.

U.S. Ambassador Herbert S. Okun, the deputy permanent representative, criticized the “divisive” resolution and said it “hinders the search for peace in the region.”
