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Clipboard researched by Kathie Bozanich and Susan Greene / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

A Times survey of 605 registered voters conducted Oct. 20-22 points up the sharp differences between Orange County Republicans and Democrats. Although both groups generally agree on the big issues facing the nation, there are wide gulfs in point of view when it comes to just about everything else--the effect of President Reagan’s policies on minorities and

voters themselves, the death penalty (though both sides strongly support it), abortion, U.S. aid to the Nicaraguan contras, the continued development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, or “Star Wars”), domestic spending, defense spending and general political philosophy. Here are the breakdowns:

Republicans Democrats MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM FACING NATION: Soviet relations 13% 6% Budget deficit 24 28 Taxes 18 17 Jobs/economy 16 18 Crime 17 15 Social programs 6 14 Others 6 2 SATISFIED WITH CANDIDATES’ ATTENTION TO IMPORTANT ISSUES: Very satisfied 10% 5% Somewhat satisfied 45 31 Somewhat dissatisfied 27 37 Very dissatisfied 18 27 SATISFIED WITH CHOICE OF CANDIDATES: Very satisfied 18% 7% Somewhat satisfied 37 33 Somewhat dissatisfied 30 34 Very dissatisfied 15 26 REAGAN’S EFFECT ON PERSONAL FINANCES: Improved 55% 26% Gotten worse 5 21 Stayed same 40 53 REAGAN EFFECT ON MINORITY FINANCES: Improved 45% 12% Gotten worse 17 60 Stayed same 38 28 DEATH PENALTY FOR CONVICTED MURDERERS: Favor 90% 69% Oppose 7 24 Don’t know 3 7 WOMEN SHOULD HAVE ABORTION ON DEMAND: Agree 54% 68% Disagree 40 29 Don’t know 6 3 U.S. AID TO THE CONTRAS: Approve 50% 24% Disapprove 32 62 Don’t know 18 14 CONTINUE TO DEVELOP SDI, “STAR WARS”: Should 84% 54% Should not 11 37 Don’t know 5 9 MONEY FOR DOMESTIC PROGRAMS: Spend more 33% 58% Spend less 17 5 Spend same 32 22 Don’t know 18 15 MONEY FOR DEFENSE PROGRAMS: Spend more 12% 10% Spend less 16 34 Spend same 66 49 Don’t know 6 7 INTEREST IN POLITICS: Very interested 35% 44% Somewhat interested 57 46 Not interested 8 10 LIKELIHOOD OF VOTING: Definitely will vote 93% 91% Probably will vote 7 8 Probably won’t vote * 1 POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: Very liberal 1% 8% Somewhat liberal 9 27 Middle of the road 25 41 Somewhat conservative 51 20 Very conservative 14 4 AGE: 18-29 27% 16% 30-44 30 38 45-59 24 23 60 and older 19 23 ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME: $60,000 and more 34% 29% $40,000-$59,999 31 24 $20,000-$39,999 26 33 Less than $20,000 9 14


*Less than 1%

Source: Times Orange County Poll by Mark Baldassare and Associates
