
U.S. Relations With Nicaragua


The Times editorial “No Way to Go but Up” (Nov. 27) points out that the Reagan Administration policies in Central America have been failures. They have been more than failures; they have been disasters. And President-elect George Bush must realize he can’t continue these policies. The key to success here will involve his approach to Nicaragua. What he must remember above all is that we can never again renew military aid to the Contras.

Yes, we should continue to support the Roman Catholic Church in Nicaragua but not if it involves Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, the ruling prelate in that country. Here is a man who once offered a special Mass in Miami for Contra leaders and has openly supported U.S. military aid to the Contras. Him we do not need at any peace table.

After a century of intervention by the United States in Central America, it is time for us to adopt a different policy. The best policy is to support the Arias peace plan, a plan which Ronald Reagan has tried to sabotage. Bush must support the Arias peace plan, which, if realized, has the best chance of bringing peace to Central America.



Los Angeles
