


I have a fantasy--and it scares me. Viewing the current parade of corporate mergers and takeovers, friendly and hostile, I can imagine a day not too far off when most consumer products and services may be supplied by only two or three mega-corporations. The enfeeblement of antitrust laws can enable such a future.

What then of competition, traditionally the control on runaway prices? Does free enterprise become only a historical concept? The signs are evident.

Monopolies are nothing new. We’re subject to them today. We have no choice of utility suppliers but can, at least, make our views known to the Public Utilities Commission, the state bureau charged with regulating those companies. Fairness is still not assured. My long-distance phone fees amount to about $5 a year. To make one or two calls, I’m forced to pay $43.20 a year in access fees for the privilege of making a couple of brief holiday calls to relatives. That’s steep. Something is very wrong.


The price of supermarket whole-grain bread is now pushing $2 a loaf. Where will that price go without competition?

I don’t deny any corporation a fair profit but, as I said, I’m scared.


Sherman Oaks
