

Clipboard researched by Susan Davis Greene, Dallas Jamison and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Thomas Penix / Los Angeles Times

Along with a host of good cheer, the Christmas season brings with it vast opportunities for crime. More shoppers mean increased opportunities for purse-snatchers, pick-pockets and thiefs who steal from cars. Here’s the picture from Orange County for the last 5 years:

Number of % Change From Reported % Change From Year Offenses Previous Year Value Previous Year THEFT FROM VEHICLE 1987 16,863 -2 7,919,995 +10 1986 17,173 +4 7,222,256 +10 1985 16,435 +6 6,586,994 +8 1984 15,471 +20 6,083,837 +26 1983 12,914 -- 4,833,093 -- POCKET-PICKING 1987 176 -32 51,199 -22 1986 259 +4 65,420 -11 1985 250 -43 73,792 +84 1984 175 -51 40,108 -59 1983 358 -- 98,401 -- PURSE-SNATCHING 1987 392 -24 80,919 -28 1986 517 -4 112,278 +12 1985 497 -8 100,642 -41 1984 539 +21 171,488 +86 1983 444 -- 92,294 --

* Estimate

Source: California Attorney General’s Office, Bureau of Criminal Statistics
