
RELIGION : Ads to Focus on the Hungry, Abused

From Religious News Service

Catholics, Jews and Lutherans have joined together to sponsor a nationwide advertising campaign designed to solicit support for the hungry, the homeless and abused children.

Participating in the collaborative effort, scheduled to begin late this month, are the Catholic Communication Campaign, Catholic Charities USA, the Council of Jewish Federations and Lutheran Social Services.

According to Catholic Communication Campaign staff member, Sister Dorothy Farley, a series of radio, television and print advertisements will “graphically demonstrate the real commitment churches have to alleviate suffering in our midst.”


The ads will report that more than 3 million Americans are homeless, that there are 20 million people who suffer from hunger and that four abused children suffer violent deaths every day at the hands of someone they trust.

The ad program will feature an 800 telephone number for listeners and readers who are interested in making donations. Donations can be given either ecumenically or to a particular denomination.
