
Non-Japanese Custom

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In regards to the article “The Turning Point” (by Itabari Njeri, Jan. 1) about the Japanese-Americans’ concern over their culture’s future. As a third-generation Japanese-American, I found this article to be somewhat overblown.

My father was in a relocation camp and my parents are Buddhists. I’m non-religious. My wife and I do not observe any Japanese customs in our household and we will not force our two small children to attend Saturday morning Japanese-language school as many of our peers were forced to do by well-meaning parents.

My children will most likely marry Caucasians and our grandchildren will be of mixed blood. We will not pressure them to marry in the same ethnic class as many Nisei and Issei parents have done to their children. Our major concern is that our children grow up happy and successful. If they want to learn about their heritage and culture, they will do so on their own.



Temple City
