

Clipboard researched by Susan Davis Greene, Dallas Jamison, Henry Rivero, and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Service through the first fiscal quarter: July 1-Sept. 30, 1988 ***

COMPARISON TO ADOPTED BUDGET ** Budget/Goal Actual Percent of FY 1988-89 FY 1988-89 Difference Vehicle Service Hours 342,805 339,675 -0.91 (VSH) Vehicle Service Miles 4,778,318 4,685,639 -1.94 (VSM) Total Ridership 8,739,499 9,587,096 9.70 Passengers/VSH 25.49 28.22 10.71 Passengers/VSM 1.83 2.05 12.02 Total Operating Cost $21,914,618 $20,110,152 -8.23 Cost/VSH $58.16 $54.40 -6.46 Cost/VSM $4.17 $3.94 -5.52 Cost/Passenger $2.28 $1.93 -15.35 Total Fare Revenue $5,160,230 $5,696,447 10.39 Revenue/Passenger $0.51 $0.52 1.96 Complaints/100,000 7.00 5.18 -26.00 Passengers +++ Collisions/ 3.19 2.95 -7.52 100,000 Miles +++ Complaints/ 12.00 14.72 22.67 100,000 Passengers + Call time to pick-up, 70% 69% -1.43 within 30 minutes + Pick-up to delivery, 90% 88% -2.22 within 30 minutes + Client worksites 72 138 91.67 visited ++ Carpoolers placed ++ 1,639 2,221 35.51 Vanpoolers ++ 95 73 -23.16

COMPARISON TO LAST YEAR Actual * Percent of FY 1987-88 Difference Vehicle Service Hours 341,944 -0.66 (VSH) Vehicle Service Miles 4,744,191 -1.23 (VSM) Total Ridership 8,439,589 13.60 Passengers/VSH 24.68 14.34 Passengers/VSM 1.78 15.17 Total Operating Cost $19,413,722 3.59 Cost/VSH $51.64 5.34 Cost/VSM $3.72 5.91 Cost/Passenger $2.09 -7.66 Total Fare Revenue $4,704,299 21.09 Revenue/Passenger $0.47 10.64 Complaints/100,000 8.28 -37.44 Passengers +++ Collisions/ 3.19 -7.52 100,000 Miles +++ Complaints/ 10.03 46.76 100,000 Passengers + Call time to pick-up, 66% 4.55 within 30 minutes + Pick-up to delivery, 86% -2.33 within 30 minutes + Client worksites 80 72.50 visited ++ Carpoolers placed ++ 1,773 25.27 Vanpoolers ++ 142 -48.59

* Represents the difference between the actual budgets for the current and the previous years.


** The goals in the column below are for the figures listed for fixed-route operations, dial-a-ride operations and Commuter Network Ridesharers.

+ Dial-a-ride operations

++ Commuter Network Ridesharers placed

+++ Fixed-route operations

*** Most recent information available

Source: Orange County Transit District
