
Planting Trees to Save Mother Earth

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I don’t know about you, but I’m scared. Every newspaper, news show and earth scientist tells us Mother Earth is crying. Her vital signs are indicating trauma. Air, water, soil and climate are declining. We, her inhabitants, apparently have become her worst enemy.

The greenhouse effect is our most critical issue. Industrialized, progressive countries have aggressively modified their land, reduced native habitats in staggering proportions and are burning excessive amounts of fossil fuels. Our attention and our scolding is being directed at the Third World countries for rain forest reduction and overpopulation. Indeed, these problems must be resolved. However, aren’t these countries only following in our footsteps, looking for progress and wealth?

If we are to save our Earth, we must have the grit to look in the mirror and say, “We are the problem.” It’s a must! We must take immediate action at the community level if we are to save our planet. Let’s not wait for some international commission to tell us what we already know.


Our first step is governmental efforts at local levels to establish a mandate that places our environment at the top of the priorities.

Loss of natural habitat and the resulting excessive production of CO2 is a major cause of our planetary warming. We must continue to develop and build roads, but we must give back what we take away! Each acre developed uses more oxygen and produces more hazardous CO2 than our Earth can handle. Let’s require that, for every acre developed, a given number of oxygen-producing trees be planted to offset the hazardous CO2. Trauma victims need help fast. Help save our Earth. “Plant a tree for Global ReLeaf.”


Mission Viejo
