
Beautiful Manchester

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As one born and reared in Cheshire, England, I enjoyed the article “Manchester Is a Perfect Gateway to London” by Geoffrey Dean-Smith (Jan. 15). However, there is an error I would like to correct. Although the British postal service has been known to perform miracles, the address should read Mottram Hall, Wilmslow Road, Mottram St. Andrew, Cheshire, England SK10 4QT.

The countryside around Manchester is indeed beautiful. I spent many happy hours visiting a friend whose parents operated a farm on the extended grounds of Mottram Hall, and bicycled around Mottram St. Andrew, Prestbury, Wilmslow and Adlington. I attended school in Macclesfield. My husband and I even spent the first night of our honeymoon at the old Midland Hotel. I can recommend the area highly.


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