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At a press conference held Wednesday to announce what they would like to announce, officials from the Old Globe Theatre, the Leningrad Maly Dramatic Theatre and the San Diego Soviet Arts Festival office said they hope to stage the Maly’s production of “Brothers and Sisters” as part of the Soviet Arts Festival in October. First, however, they need to get the event approved by Soviet authorities and find the money to cover the budget. “Brothers and Sisters,” a seven-hour adaptation of Soviet novelist Fyodor Abramov’s World War II trilogy, was to have had its American premiere as part of the New York International Festival of the Arts last summer, but was canceled when the producer failed to come up with the $450,000 needed to mount the production. Old Globe managing director Tom Hall shrugged off the expense, saying the price is comparable to that of producing Steven Sondheim’s “Into the Woods” two years ago. The $6-million Soviet Arts Festival budget announced last fall showed $250,000 set aside for a theater performance. Details about numbers of performances, as well as the final budget, are still being worked out.
