
No NEA Challenge Grants Go to County Groups : In Previous Years, SCR, Newport Harbor Museum Have Done Well

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Orange County groups did not receive any challenge grants from the National Endowment for the Arts this year. But in the 12 years that this grant program has been in effect, two local organizations--South Coast Repertory and the Newport Harbor Art Museum--have received $830,000 in grants, which triggered more than $2.5 million in additional contributions.

Kathy Christie, a spokeswoman for the NEA in Washington, said the agency does not disclose which groups seek grants unsuccessfully, and therefore could not tell whether any Orange County groups had applied this year. Of major arts organizations in Orange County contacted Thursday by The Times, only the Pacific Symphony Orchestra reported having applied.

The orchestra did receive a $25,000 non-challenge grant from the NEA this year, according to Louis G. Spisto, the orchestra’s executive director.


Christie did say that to be considered, an applicant must be of significant artistic merit at the regional or national level. It is “extraordinarily difficult,” she said, to be awarded a challenge grant which further requires “a sophisticated fund-raising capacity.”

In 1977, the first year the awards were made, SCR received a $30,000 grant and raised an additional $90,000 in matching contributions. In 1985, SCR received a second grant of $350,000 and raised an additional $1.15 million. The money was earmarked to help launch a new play-development program, according to David Emmes, SCR’s producing artistic director.

In 1980, the Newport Harbor museum received a challenge grant of $150,000 and raised an additional $450,000. In 1987, the museum was awarded $300,000 under the program and, with a year still to go under the 3-year terms of the grants, already has raised $900,000. Half the money has been earmarked for the museum’s endowment fund, and the rest is going toward operating cash reserves.


Christie said it is highly unusual for any organization to receive more than two large challenge grants.

NEA grants announced. Page 1.
