
Irvine Co. Decides to Reorganize Units by Geography, Not by Type of Building

Times Staff Writer

The Irvine Co. told employees Friday that it is reorganizing its land development business along geographical lines rather than grouping units by the type of building they develop.

The company said it does not anticipate changes in employment, now at 350 people.

The county’s largest private landowner, the Irvine Co. has been shedding employees for several years as it turns over many of its businesses--from managing its apartment complexes to running its farming operations--to outside contractors.

The company will create three new divisions. One will be headed by Roland Osgood and be responsible for developing the Irvine Coast between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach; one, headed by Brad Olson, will handle development in Tustin and East Orange, and the third, headed by Keith Greer, will be responsible for development in Irvine.


Senior vice president Gary H. Hunt assumed more responsibility in the reorganization. Hunt is already in charge of the company’s legal unit, public relations, government affairs and other specialized company functions.

He will now also deal with “identification and resolution of long-term regional land-use and public policy issues that will impact (the company’s) ability to complete our master plan,” according to the memo given to employees.
