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Re: “Dannemeyer’s Meeting Disrupted by Gay Activists,” Orange County section, Feb. 15:

The homosexual activists who attended the Dannemeyer community meeting in Yorba Linda got exactly what they wanted, a newspaper story chronicling their antics and a review of Dannemeyer’s voting record and attitude toward AIDS. So much for simple-minded reporting.

The real story that developed during the meeting was the loathing and, yes, even hatred that the activists elicited from the remainder of the audience. The 200 residents, largely elderly, who attended the meeting--hoping to have a meaningful discussion with their elected representative--were thwarted in their efforts.

Despite the terrible tragedy of AIDS, the gay-rights group made no friends nor gained any supporters. I’ll wager that, if polled at the end of the meeting, the majority of the residents would vote to withhold their tax dollars to help this particular group in any way.



