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Regarding “George Burns: Golden Oldie” (by Margy Rochlin, Jan. 8): I have been a fan of George Burns since his radio days, and I love him as much as anyone else and admire and envy his longevity. However, I am a junior high health teacher who teaches an extensive unit on drug abuse. I am glad to see Burns question how John Lennon could be a drug user; he can’t see how anyone for whatever reasons would use drugs. What he fails to see (and most people do), though, is the hypocrisy of condemning “drug” use when he admits to using two of the most abused substances--nicotine (20 cigars) and alcohol (at least six drinks daily). There is no difference between these drugs and the drugs Lennon used. But with the mentality that alcohol is not a drug, Burns will never believe this.

The article sends a mixed message.


West Hills
