
Help for Teens

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Last month, arctic winds brought much more to Los Angeles than morning frost and snow on Interstate 5. The gusty winds brought hundreds of Southern Californians to respond to a simple need: winter clothing for homeless teen-agers. On behalf of those kids, we want to thank all those who helped.

I was personally overwhelmed and moved by the generosity of the Los Angeles community. During the cold snap here, civic organizations and private citizens pulled together in a countywide clothing drive coordinated by Covenant House for the youth living on the streets. Immediately following County Supervisor Michael Antonovich’s announcement of a countywide clothing drive, donations of clothing began arriving on our doorstep. Over 300 bags and boxes overflowing with blankets, wool coats, ski jackets, sweaters, and socks were delivered in the first two days alone.

As the clothes piled in, volunteers donated their time to sort them so they could be properly distributed to many local service agencies working with the homeless kids throughout the county. What was a mere inconvenience to most of us could be deadly to someone on the street. But, it also, in one way, was a blessing in disguise. The cold spell provided an opportunity to join the Los Angeles community together in an effort to help kids on the street and to remind us of those in need.



Executive Director

Covenant House California

